Help for the z < 1.0 database page

The database page displays the whole database in tabular format. By default only selected fields are listed. You may change the fields displayed, or produce an ASCII table of the values shown, by clicking on the appropriate links at the top of the page. (Note that the ASCII table reproduces the values on the HTML page exactly. So you should choose your fields first.)

You may click on the headings of most columns for information on what that column contains. This will take you to the correct place in the field information page.

You may click on the name of an object in the sample (always the first field displayed) for a page listing all the information in the database for that object. From this page you can also access radio maps and links to other web pages about this object.

At the moment it is not possible to filter the database display by source properties (such as redshift). You can achieve this by producing an ASCII table and feeding it through your favourite text processing tool, such as awk. If you have a pressing need for this functionality, please let us know using the contact details on the index page.

Return to the database page.