Choose fields to display

  Show physical quantities

 Source name


 Source class

 178-MHz flux


 High-resolution map frequency

 High-resolution map resolution

 High-resolution map dynamic range

 Low-resolution map frequency

 Low-resolution map resolution

 Low-resolution map dynamic range

 Beams across source (high resolution)

 Beams across source (low resolution)

 Total map flux

 Total map flux error

 Core flux

 Core flux error

 Core prominence

 Core prominence error

 Total source size (hotspot distances)

 Total source size (sum of linear lobe lengths)

 Total source size (sum of largest linear lobe sizes)

 Source recession coeff. (zeta)

 Recession asymmetry (delta)

 N lobe axial ratio

 S lobe axial ratio

 Average axial ratio

 Axial ratio asymmetry (longer lobe)

 Axial ratio asymmetry (jet side)

 Fractional separation difference (x_lobe)

 Fractional separation difference (x_jet)

 N lobe core-hotspot distance

 N lobe angular length

 N lobe length resolution correction

 N lobe largest angular size

 N lobe largest angular size r.c.

 N lobe angular width

 N lobe max angular width

 N lobe flux

 N lobe flux error

 N lobe fractional length

 N lobe fractional max width position

 N lobe depolarization

 S lobe core-hotspot distance

 S lobe angular length

 S lobe length resolution correction

 S lobe largest angular size

 S lobe largest angular size r.c.

 S lobe angular width

 S lobe max angular width

 S lobe flux

 S lobe flux error

 S lobe fractional length

 S lobe fractional max width position

 S lobe depolarization

 Straight jet side

 Straight jet status

 Straight jet flux

 Straight jet flux error

 Straight jet angular length

 Straight jet angular position

 Straight counterjet status

 Straight counterjet flux

 Straight counterjet flux error

 Straight counterjet angular length

 Straight counterjet angular position

 Straight jet prominence

 Straight jet prominence error

 Straight counter jet prominence

 Straight counter jet prominence error

 Total jet side

 Total jet status

 Total jet flux

 Total jet flux error

 Total jet angular length

 Total jet angular position

 Total counterjet status

 Total counterjet flux

 Total counterjet flux error

 Total counterjet angular length

 Total counterjet angular position

 Total jet prominence

 Total jet prominence error

 Total counterjet prominence

 Total counterjet prominence error

 Fractional jet length

 Fractional jet position

 Fractional jet termination

 N hotspot status

 N hotspot number

 N hotspot flux density

 N hotspot flux error

 N hotspot major axis

 N hotspot minor axis

 N hotspot average size

 N lobe hotspot prominence

 S hotspot status

 S hotspot number

 S hotspot flux density

 S hotspot flux error

 S hotspot major axis

 S hotspot minor axis

 S hotspot average size

 S lobe hotspot prominence

 Average hotspot size

 N lobe primary fractional hotspot size

 S lobe primary fractional hotspot size

 N lobe hotspot recession coeff. (eta)

 S lobe hotspot recession coeff. (eta)

 Primary hotspot size asymmetry

 Primary hotspot prominence asymmetry